This page provides a demonstration for Hiform parser.
This parser can analyzes only one sheet of Hiform documents in this site
and shows a form graph, a derivation tree, a modular tabular, and parsing animation.
1. How to get an "A1" sheet:
(1) Select window menu [Open].
(2) Select an icon for the A1 sheet.
You will get a graph, a derivation tree for it, and a tabular form for it.
2. How to watch a parsing animation:
(1) Click the "Animation" Tab.
(2) Select window menu [Open] and select the icon "A1". So you get a graph.
(3) Click [Start] Button. The parsing animation will be started.
This demo-parser needs many memories for executing it.
Furthermore, this demo-parser was compiled by J2SDK 1.4.02.
This demo-parser needs Java VM over version 1.3.x
This parser requires a form graph
and outputs the derivation tree with attributes
for the inputted form graph.
Additionally, in this web, this applet draws the modular table
for the derivation tree.
If you cannot watch an animation, please restart this applet and
please click only "Animation Tab".
Thank you very much for visiting this page.